Ozone Society

The UK's 1st Professional Body for Ozone Therapy Health Practitioners

The Ozone Society is the UK's 1st Leading Professional Body for Ozone Therapy


Compliance, Regulatory Accountability, Patient Safety, Health & Safety and the Field of Ozone Therapy Is Our Passion

Together we set good practice and standards, work by a code of ethics, support our members and educate the effectiveness and benefits of medical ozone to practitioners and to the public.

Ozone Society members are passionate about ozone therapy, because we see on a daily basis the real, positive effects it has on people's lives, whether they're suffering with digestive problems or simply looking for a natural boost to their health and wellbeing.

We're here to help you, whether you want to find an Professional Ozone Therapist, learn how to become a Medical Ozone Practitioner or just to find out more about how the Ozone Society works as a regulatory body to inform the public and support our members.

Become A Member

How to become a member and the prerequisites

Good Practice & Standards

Our Code of Ethic's and Regulatory Standards

Ozone Therapy Training

Clinical Ozone Therapy Courses

Medical Ozone Therapy

Learn more about medical ozone and it's benefits


Medical Ozone Training, CPD and Much More

About Us

Find out more about our Aim's Mission and Objectives

Ozone Society UK's 1st Professional Body For Ozone Therapy

Medical Ozone Research Institiute

We specialise in educating and training Medical Doctors, Dentists and Nurses to Allied Health Professionals, to develop the scientific principles and clinical understanding, to attain the expertise to perform medical ozone in their practice

European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies

The Ozone Society and its members support the work and abide by the guidelines and ethics set out by the European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies. The foundation is based upon the Low-Dose Concept Guidelines and Treatment Strategies.

International Scientific Committe Of Ozone Therapy

We support the ethos and intention that has been put together by the International Scientific Committe Of Ozone Therapy. The Ozone Society and it members are in agreement with the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy

Ozone Society Ltd | 08684686 | Registered Company Address: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX

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