Medical Ozone Therapy

Here you can find a resource of information on the typical questions asked about medical ozone. The information here is for the public, so they can become more informed about the basic's knowledge required to understand ozone therapy as a complementry medicine..
What Is Medical Ozone
Medical Ozone Gas (O3) is a term to describe the purest form of Ozone Gas that can be used for therapeutic applications.

Medical Ozone Gas is not classified as a drug.

Medical Ozone Gas is made up of a mixture of 95% Oxygen and 5% Ozone gas.

To make Medical Ozone Gas, the primary ingredient is Medical Oxygen Gas (O2), which is 99.99% pure.

Here Medical Oxygen Gas is convert into Medical Ozone gas by combining an Oxygen with one Atomic Oxygen

The end result produces an element called Ozone that has 3 Atomic Oxygens bind together, which makes O3

O2   +   O*   =   O3

Oxygen                  Atomic Oxygen                     Ozone

Structure of Oxygen Gas
Medical Oxygen


Two Atomic Oxygens are connected together by a double bond.

The double bond stabilizes the two atomic oxygens together.

This creates a stable element called Oxygen.

Formula: O2

Structure of Ozone Gas
Medical Ozone


Three Atomic Oxygens are connected together via double bonds, however the Tri-Oxygen group is highly energetical.

The result, is the creation of the element Ozone Gas.

Due to the high energetic property of Ozone Gas, it eventually breaks down.

In doing so, it releases Oxygen Gas back into the atmosphere.

Formula O3

How is Ozone Gas Made

Medical Ozone GasHigh Energy Source = Lightning from Thunder Storm, UV rays from the Sun or Electrical Discharge from an Ozone Generator

The High Energy Source is required to split up the stable Oxygen Gas, resulting in breaking the double bond and releasing Two Atomic Oxygens

The highly energetical Atomic Oxygens collides with Oxygen (O2) producing another reaction, resulting in the production of Ozone (O3)

Therapeutic Properties of Medical Ozone

Anti - Parasitic

Activates the Red Blood Cell Metabolism (RBC)
thus improving the blood circulation by increasing the release of oxygen to all cells, tissues and organs

Activation and Modulation of Immune Cells
specific messengers are produced by immune cells to boost and regulate the immunity and immune function

Activates the Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavengers Capacity
increases antioxidant enzymes that protect healthy cells from being damaged by free radicals

Contra-indications and Contra-applications

Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency... (Favism)
Acute hemolytic anemia
Hyperthyroidism (non controlled)
Pregnancy in the first 3 months
Major Auto-Hemotherapy is not indicated in leukemia
Not performed in Very Advanced Stages of HIV

Direct medical ozone gas injections
Intra-arterial medical ozone gas injections
Hyperbaric medical ozone infusions

Guidelines for Medical Ozone Health Professionals
During the last decade, Medical Ozone as a bio-regulator, within the "Low Dose Concept" and it's mode of action and pharmacology behavior has been well documented and published on an International Medical platform. There are specific protocols for Health Professionals applying Medical Ozone in regards to:
Medical Ozone Equipment and Accessories
Method of Application
Medical Ozone Concentrations
Treatment Management and Strategies

This was published by Ozone: Science & Engineering: The Journal of the International Ozone Association in December 2012
Ozone in Medicine: The Low Dose Ozone Concept - Guidelines and Treatment Strategies.

In 2015 The Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy is the first and only global consensus document in the history of ozone therapy. It has become an important reference tool for health professionals that use ozone therapy anywhere in the world. The Declaration reflects the latest medical and scientific advances that have occurred in the scientific world of ozone therapy ensuring a unified practice with great precision and safety.

Recently another paper published by Ozone: Science & Engineering: The Journal of the International Ozone Association in December 2016: Ozone in Medicine: Clinical Evaluation and Evidence Classification of the Systemic Ozone Applications, Major Autohemotherapy and Rectal Insufflation, According to the Requirements for Evidence-Based Medicine

This paper confirms based on the requirements of evidence based medicine by monitoring a total of 11,000 auto major hemotherapy treatments and 47,000 rectal/colon insufflation treatments, that ozone therapyis safe and effective that produced no adverse side effects.

Are There Different Types of Ozone?
Yes there are 3 types of Ozone.

Stratospheric Ozone
Where is it: 20-30km above sea level
How is it made: UV rays from the Sun split oxygen gas and produce Oxygen Free Radicals. These collide with Oxygen gas and produce Ozone.
Stability: The Stratosphere temperature is O°C. At this temperature Ozone is stable and enables the Ozone Layer to form.
Danger: There is no risk to human as the ozone layer is too high in the upper atmosphere to be of any health concern.

Tropospheric Ozone
Where is it: 10km above see level
How is it made: Tropospheric Ozone is a by product of Environmental, Industrial pollutants and Sun Light reacting with each other. As a result, the more pollutants released into the atmosphere, the higher the concentration of Tropospheric Ozone.
Stability: Tropospheric Ozone can exist for a period of 22 days and can be reduced by weather conditions. It slowly migrates towards the ground and is deposited into the earth.
Danger: There is a risk of Tropospheric Ozone becoming a respiratory irritant that can trigger diifculties breathing, asthma, bronchitis and cardiopulmonary complications. The Tropospheric Ozone concentrations and time period of exposure all play a part on how each person is affected.

Medical Ozone
How is it made: It is a man made gas, that is produced on demand via the use of a medical ozone generator and medical grade oxygen as the source to make Medical Ozone. The ozone generator uses the cold plasma discharge method to produce the pure ozone/oxygen mixture.
Stability: Has a half life between 45-55 minutes
Danger: It is toxic to the Lung Epithelium and according to international and national emissions values are fixed and Medical Ozone must never be applied or inhaled directly into the respiratory tract.

It's Often Reported That Ozone is Dangerous and Toxic
The media generally report on high concentration of tropospheric ozone and its toxic affect on the respiratory system, this conception is often confused when the media relate to Medical Ozone.

Tropospheric Ozone and Medical Ozone are NOT the same.

Tropospheric Ozone is made from an air pollution mixture in the atmosphere and contains Nitrogen and Nitric Oxides that are collectively harmful.

Medical Ozone in comparison to Troposheric Ozone is produced under precise controlled conditions, using specilaised equipment that can safely converted medical ozone back into oxygen gas. Thereby reducing any toxic effect on the respiratory system.

Ozone Society UK's 1st Professional Body For Ozone Therapy

Medical Ozone Research Institiute

We specialise in educating and training Medical Doctors, Dentists and Nurses to Allied Health Professionals, to develop the scientific principles and clinical understanding, to attain the expertise to perform medical ozone in their practice

European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies

The Ozone Society and its members support the work and abide by the guidelines and ethics set out by the European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies. The foundation is based upon the Low-Dose Concept Guidelines and Treatment Strategies.

International Scientific Committe Of Ozone Therapy

We support the ethos and intention that has been put together by the International Scientific Committe Of Ozone Therapy. The Ozone Society and it members are in agreement with the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy

Ozone Society Ltd | 08684686 | Registered Company Address: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX