Anyone who wishes to make a complaint about a practitioner on the Ozone Society register is asked to read our information leaflet How the Ozone Society deals with complaints which explains the types of complaints we can deal with and all the steps in the process.
Click here for the Types of complaints the Ozone Society does not deal with.

All complaints must be made in writing using the Ozone Society complaints form, If this is likely to be a problem, you can ask someone to fill the form in for you. Or you can contact us by phoning +447798861406 and we will do our best to arrange for someone to help you.

The Ozone Society Case Examiners, Conduct & Competence Panel and Health Panel follow these Detailed Procedures For Dealing With Complaints

A Registrant can appeal against the decision(s) of a Health Panel, a Conduct and Competence Panel, or a Restoration Committee. All appeals must be lodged within 28 days of the date of the hearing at which the decision was made.

Applications for Re-registraiton
A Registrant whose name has been removed from the Register may apply for re-admission after a period of five years.